Friday, August 9, 2013

The Tea Party’s Mad, Mad, Mad World

The Tea Party is trying to force uninsured people to force the rest of us to pay their medical bills.

In other words, they want to derail Obamacare, which would leave millions of  Americans without medical insurance, which would mean they could not pay for their medical care and would dodge medical care until forced to an emergency room (expensive!), for which they could not pay, which would mean you and I would have have to.

There are only three choices here:  Either we (1) require all of us pay our own medial bills out of pocket (impossible);  (2) require all of us to have insurance to pay our medical bills (a result of Obamacare);  or (3) force you and me to pay the bills of those who cannot or will not pay their own bills (a result of Tea Party efforts). 

Given those choices, why wouldn’t it be best to force all of us to insure ourselves?

Tea Partiers even want to  destroy Medicare and Medicaid as we know it, as if to make absolutely certain you and I can’t escape paying the un-insureds’ bills. 

But medical insurance is just one item.  Another is the Tea Party’s cavalier attitude toward the looming Oct. 1 deadline for Congress to agree on a spending plan or the government will shut down.  

Many Tea Party leaders want to let the deadline pass, saying it would be good for the country -- save some money and all that.  They blithely ignore the well-documented and well-reported devastation that would result if America could not pay its bills.

Instead of governing, the Tea Party-led Congress passed 40 useless bills to stop Obamacare, then left town for a month-long vacation.  

That’s downright un-American. 


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