Monday, June 24, 2013


For the last six years or more, a Tea Party friend of mine has been inundating me almost daily with hate-Obama emails. 

Some of his diatribes are legitimate.  Many are exaggerations, ranging from mild to gross.  Others are bald-faced lies, which he admits when I call him on them.  

He used to send along racist jokes too until I threatened to block all his emails if he didn’t stop.  I’m sure he still sends them to others on his list.

The one thing all of these missives have in common is that they all grow out of hatred.  Whether these folks hate Obama because he’s a Democrat or because he’s black is hard to tell, but it is plain there’s a lot of both involved.  If you doubt that, I have an ocean-front house in Kansas I’d like to sell you.

If it were just one person doing this, it wouldn’t bother me.  But none of what he sends is original.   All of it is just Tea Party stuff he picks up off the Internet and mindlessly passes along.  Six years of this endless drumbeat has to originate somewhere, and that tells me there are a lot of people out there filled with hatred. 

Let me make clear here that I draw a very distinct line between Tea Party Republicans and real Republicans.  Real Republicans, like real Democrats,  can sit down and talk about their differences and find compromise solutions.  That’s the history of our nation.  It’s part of what made us great.

But Tea Partiers will not even consider an idea if Obama likes it, even if they originated the idea themselves.  If Obama likes it, they hate it.  

Hate, Hate, Hate it.

It’s hard not to grow intolerant of their intolerance.


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