Monday, April 29, 2013

Cowardly Democrats Succumb to Tea Party 

People who know me know that I despise the Tea Party.  At best it’s misguided, and at worst it is greedy, insensitive and cruel.

It was bad enough when the Tea Party was just a bunch of angry old white people venting.  It got worse when the it became the tail that wags the dog in the Republican Party. 

But last week, when the Democrats in Congress kowtowed to Tea Party thinking to make life easier for moneyed people, it became disgusting.  

Some background:   The whole purpose of “sequestration” was to make things so uncomfortable for everyone -- repeat, everyone -- that Congress would be forced to do its job and pass a budget.

But when sequestration began delaying flights and thus inconveniencing business people and others with enough money to fly a lot, well, sequestration be damned.  Congress leaped to their defense by approving a plan  to put sequestrationed air controllers back to work and spare moneyed people their inconvenience.  Then the senators and representatives scurried out of town for a vacation. 

And what did Congress do for people who sequestration is truly hurting, not merely inconveniencing?   I’m talking about destitute mothers who are being denied milk for their children, children who have been locked out of Head Start, adults who lost their jobs through no fault of their own and have been forced to depend on rental vouchers and jobless benefits.  Et cetera ad infinitum.   What did Congress do for them? 

Nothing.  Nada.  Zilch.  Why care about them?  Let them suffer. 

Ah, but don’t let moneyed people be inconvenienced.

A single Democratic senator could have stopped this cowardness.   None did.    

It’s disgusting. 


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