Thursday, November 15, 2012

GOP Should Lead Legalizing Marijuana

Thank you voters in Colorado and Washington.  You voted in clear numbers, approximately 65-45 in both cases, to legalize adult use of marijuana for recreational purposes.

Thank you also voters in the four Michigan cities, including Detroit, who voted overwhelmingly to legalize, and voters in more than 40 Massachusetts cities who approved nonbinding ballot measures to either regulate marijuana like alcohol or simply to repeal prohibition altogether.

You have started the train rolling.  And if Republicans really believe what they say they believe, they should lead the way.

Republicans constantly harp on the need for small government that spends all its money only on necessary programs.  Yet, they strongly support spending countless billions of dollars on an utterly failed "war on drugs," even though they all know a definition of insanity is using the same techniques and expecting different results.

Whoever decides to engineer this now-rolling train, Republicans or Democrats, should take heed that America Will Be On Your Side.  Nationwide polls by Gallup, Rasmussen and other respected pollsters reveal that most Americans support replacing cannabis prohibition with limited legalization and regulation.  Further, nearly 75 percent of the respondants -- including 67 percent of Republicans -- oppose the federal government's interfering with state medical marijuana decisions.

And why not legalize and control a weed that grows wild on every continent on Earth except for Anarctica, and is far less dangerous than alcohol or tobacco?

Roll, train, roll.
