Thursday, January 2, 2014

How to Kill Obamacare

One of the Republican Party’s most cherished strategies is to convince people that something horrible is about to happen to us, and that only the Republican Party can save us. 

Republicans are using that formula now to try and repeal Obamacare, but this time there’s a problem with their strategy.   Although they have been very successful at scaring the bejeepers out of us, they’re not doing so well with telling us how they’re going to save us. 

For evidence of that, listen closely to any of the GOP’s  most popular spokesmen --  Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Krauthammer,  Lowry, whomever -- and you’ll hear a constant, never-ending, vicious attack on Obamacare.  But what you will  not hear is one word about what the Republicans would do to make things better.

Not one word!

So, if the Republicans are successful in repealing Obamacare,  by default we will return to the insurance system we had, where as many as 50 million Americans have no health insurance, insurance companies cancel policies of seriously ill people at will, and deny people policies because of pre-existing illnesses.  Et cetera.

But nevertheless, onward they trod with their constant barrage of negativism.

The negativism might work, but here’s a better strategy for the Republicans if they really, honestly want to kill Obamacare:  Support it.  

That’s right.  Jump on the bandwagon and do everything you can to make it work.  Then, if you are right, it will fail quickly.  And not only will you get rid of Obamacare, you also will deal a devastating blow to Democrats as well. 

Of course, such a plan might backfire.  Obamacare just might work.
And isn’t that what Republicans fear the most?
